
       My name is Hector Collazo. I am 25 years old from Trenton, New Jersey but currently living in Brooklyn. This is my second year at Laguardia as a Liberal Arts and Humanities major. Personally, I have not had too many experiences with art but it has always intrigued me. I'm looking forward to learning a bit of art history in this course.


  1. Hector Collazo
    Intro To Art
    Prof. Harmon

    The first stylized art example I will be using comes from ancient Egypt. It is a small ceramic sculpture of a hippopotamus, coated in a blue glaze and adorned with drawings of lotus flowers. In ancient Egyptian culture the hippopotamus was revered by the God Taret, divine midwife and goddess of pregnant women. This particular statue was buried with someone of royal lineage. The leg of the statue was often broken so the figure could not harm the person, in order to guide him/her safely into the afterlife.
    The Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations approached their artwork in a much more humanistic manner. For example, in ancient Greece the human form was considered the highest creation of nature; the closest thing to the perfection of physical form with the ability to reason. The spear bearer statue from 440 BC depicts an athlete who once held a spear on his left shoulder. The sculptor wanted to portray a vision of anatomical perfection. It stands about 6 feet tall and is carved from white marble.


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