
Showing posts from December, 2017

Carolee Schneemann

Eye Body c. 1963        Eye body,  is a portfolio consisting of 36 photographs in which the artist, Carolee Schneeman,  envelops herself in an artificial environment created with a plethora of objects such as plastic tarps, mannequins, and broken mirrors. She covered herself in a myriad of materials to become one with the art. Viewing herself as a piece of art, she applied grease, chalk, and plastic to her nude body.  Through these applications she created 36 “transformative actions” as a colleague photographed each action singularly, representing a frame of film. This was her integration as the artist’s self image and image creator, combining through an impromptu collage in space and time. The portfolio was initially met with negativity as curators deemed it “narcissistic exhibitionism". However, Schneemann interpreted these photographs as a proclamation of her strength and the sexuality of women .  Three Figures After Pontormo c. 1957         Three Figures A


        Where do I even begin with this film? Rarely does a cinematic work, let alone a documentary,  move me in such a way that I almost feel compelled to help those less fortunate than I. Never has the term diamond in the rough, resonated with me more clearly than after watching this. Vik Muniz delves deep into the human condition during his endeavor across a poverty stricken landfill community of his native Brazil. Jardim Gramacho, Brazil, just outside of Rio De Janeiro, is home to the world’s largest garbage landfill and a struggling contingent of people working the endless waste fields. The catadores, as they’re called, tirelessly toil in the harsh conditions of Jardim Gramacho just to barely maintain an impoverished existence. I was introduced to 6 very complex human beings in the garbage pickers that Muniz selected to photograph for his exhibit. When he first ventured to the landfill, Muniz was anticipating to see a group of people defeated by the system in which they’re marg

Félix González-Torres Outline

FÉLIX GONZÁLEZ-TORRES ( November 26, 1957-January 9, 1996) Intro  • Cuban born American visual artist (born in Guáimaro, Cuba) • openly gay sexual orientation often seen as influential in his work • sent to an orphanage in Madrid, Spain as a young boy • later relocated to Puerto Rico in 1957 • graduated from Colegio San George in 1976 and began art Studies at University of Puerto Rico in 1976 • moved to New York City in 1979 with a study fellowship • participated in the Whitney independent study program in 1980 • attended the program again in 1983 and received a BFA in photography from the Pratt Institute of Art • traveled to Europe and studied in Venice in 1986 • awarded the degree of Master of Fine Arts by the International Center of Photography and New York University in 1987 • in the same year joined a New York-based group of artist called Group Material  • worked collaboratively adhering to principles of cultural activism and community education • taught at New